Wednesday 10 January 2018

Home Style Rasam Recipe -Milagu\Pepper Rasam - How to make Rasam - Authentic south Indian style

Benefits of rasam The benefits of rasam come from its major ingredients – tamarind, tomato, and black pepper. 1. Prevents constipation Rasam contains tamarind that is rich in dietary fibre or non-starch polysaccharides, such as mucilage, pectin, hemicellulose, tannin and gums. It adds bulk to food and eases bowel movement. Thus, easing constipation. 2. Has antioxidative action The ingredients in rasam, especially tamarind, are rich in antioxidants. Thus, it protects the body against attack of free radicals. The skin remains young, supple, and healthy. 3. Good for convalescing patients The nutritious properties of rasam and its fluid consistency make it an ideal food for convalescing patients. By adding lentils and vegetables, the protein and nutrient value of rasam can be increased. 4. Good for pregnant women Pregnant women will also find rasam to be a good meal that will give them essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and proteins. It is also easy to digest and keeps the intestines working properly. 5. Good for introducing baby to solid food Babies can be introduced to rasam as their first solid food because it is easily digestible as well as tasty. Semi-solid food is the best type of food for a baby who has recently been weaned off mother’s milk. 6. Rich in vitamins Rasam is rich in essential vitamins such as thiamin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, and riboflavin. Some of these vitamins act as antioxidants as well, keeping the body healthy. 7. Contains a wealth of minerals Being a fairly good source of minerals, rasam is an ideal food for people to include in a balanced diet. Potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper and magnesium are the minerals provided by a serving of this delicious food. 8. Helps lose weight The black pepper content of rasam is what helps the body lose weight. It promotes removal of toxins by making the body sweat and produce more urine. Thus, the body’s metabolism is kept working properly. 9. Helps keep cancer at bay Regular consumption of rasam may help keep cancer away. Black pepper present in rasam contains a substance called piperine. This substance has been found to have an inhibitory effect on cancerous cells, along with curcumin found in turmeric. 10. Encourages digestion Rasam plays the primary role of promoting digestion. Its black pepper content ensures that the stomach is signaled to produce more acid. This helps digest food, such as proteins better, and prevents flatulence, indigestion, gas, constipation, acidity and diarrhea.

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